Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Web API REST Owin + Katana

A memo to myself about Web API REST code using Owin Katana packages.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Hosting;

using System.IO;

using System.Web.Http; 

namespace KatanaIntro

    // AppFunc alias. 
    using AppFunc = Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>; 

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string Uri = "http://localhost:12345";

            using (WebApp.Start<Startup>(Uri))
                Console.WriteLine("Web server started and listening ... ");
                Console.WriteLine("Web server stopping ... "); 


    public class Startup

        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder App)

            //// Return welcome page. 

            // Katana wrapper for OWIN. 
            //    // Use lambda to access the function. 
            //    ctx =>
            //    {
            //        // Access function data. 
            //        // Return a task. 
            //        // ctx.

            //        // Hello world. 
            //        return ctx.Response.WriteAsync("Hello world!");

            //    }

            // Test. 
            //App.Run(Context =>

            //    Context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            //    return Context.Response.WriteAsync("Testing using content type ... ");



            // Dump environment. 
            //App.Use(async (ContextEnvironment, Next) =>

            //   foreach (var Item in ContextEnvironment.Environment)
            //       Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", Item.Key, Item.Value);

            //   await Next();


            // Dump request. 
            App.Use(async (ContextEnvironment, Next) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Requesting: " + ContextEnvironment.Request.Path);
                await Next();

                //ContextEnvironment.Response.StatusCode = 404; 

                Console.WriteLine("Response: " + ContextEnvironment.Response.StatusCode); 


            // Use HelloWorldComponent. 

            // Syntactic sugar call. 


        private void ConfigureWebApi(IAppBuilder App)

            var Config = new HttpConfiguration();

                new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }




    // Syntactic sugar definition. 
    public static class AppBuilderExtensions
        public static void UseHelloWorld(this IAppBuilder App)

    public class HelloWorldComponent

        AppFunc _NextComponent; 

        public HelloWorldComponent(AppFunc NextComponent)
            _NextComponent = NextComponent;

        //public Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> Environment)
        // public async Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> Environment)
        public Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> Environment)
            //return null; 

            // await _NextComponent(Environment);  

            var Response = Environment["owin.ResponseBody"] as Stream;
            using (var Writer = new StreamWriter(Response))
                return Writer.WriteAsync("Hello using StreamWriter and owin.ResponseBody ... "); 




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace KatanaIntro
    public class Greeting
        public string Text { get; set; }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Web.Http; 

namespace KatanaIntro
    public class GreetingController : ApiController
        public Greeting Get()
            return new Greeting { Text = "Hello world!" }; 



Notes to self:
1. Dlls not copied into bin folder (causes 404s).

2. App.config not copied into Web.config (causes http error 500).
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Owin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies.
The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Notes on executing: 

Check KatanaIntro properties, Output type = Class Library (dll for IIS Express) or Console App (standalone exe).

cd "C:\Users\DaviesE\Documents\MyWork\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\KatanaIntro\KatanaIntro"


"c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /path:"C:\Users\DaviesE\Documents\MyWork\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\KatanaIntro\KatanaIntro"

"c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe" /path:"C:\Users\DaviesE\Documents\MyWork\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\KatanaIntro\KatanaIntro" /port:12345


What are C# Generics?

So I don’t forget what C# Generics are, I created this memo + code (or memode).

Generics templatise your code maximising reuse, keeping it strongly typed and performant. Any type can be generic, but it is advised to use the new generic collection classes System.Collections.Generic inso System.Collections. You can use runtime reflection to get info about generic types.

Here is some code using generics on different types.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace GenericsTest

    // Generic array definition. 
    public class MyGenericArray<X>

        private X[] Array; 

        public MyGenericArray(int Size)
            Array = new X[Size + 1];

        public X GetItem(int Index)
            return Array[Index];

        public void SetItem(int Index, X Value)
            Array[Index] = Value; 


    // Generic method definition. 
    public static class GenericMethod<T>
        public static void Swap(ref T Left, ref T Right)
            T Temp = Left;
            Left = Right;
            Right = Temp; 


    // Define test interface. 
    public interface ITest
        int GetPropertyValue(); 

    // Inherit from ITest interface. 
    public class MyClassTest : ITest

        private int MyProperty { get; set; }

        public MyClassTest(int InitialValue)
            MyProperty = InitialValue;

        // To prove our generic swap function works, 
        // we will nest a class within a class. 
        // The inner class has a method to get the property. 
        public int GetPropertyValue()

            // Initialise. 
            Value MyValue = new Value(MyProperty);

            MyProperty = MyValue.GetPropertyValue();

            return MyProperty; 

        // Finer precision of interface. 
        public interface IValue
            int GetPropertyValue(); 

        // Inherit from IValue interface.  
        public class Value : IValue

            private int MyProperty { get; set; }

            public Value(int Value)
                MyProperty = Value; 

            public int GetPropertyValue()
                return MyProperty; 



    // Define test interface that contains another interface. 
    public interface ITestInterface : ITestAnotherInterface 
        int MyProperty { get; set; } 

    public interface ITestAnotherInterface
        int MyPropertyAnother { get; set; }

    // Declare test class using multiple interfaces. 
    public class MultiInterface : ITestInterface

        private int PropertyBase;
        private int PropertyAnother;

        public int MyProperty
            get { return PropertyBase;  }
            set { PropertyBase = value;  }

        public int MyPropertyAnother
            get { return PropertyAnother;  }
            set { PropertyAnother = value;  }


    // Define test interface. 
    public interface ITestOddEven {
        int GetValue(); 

    // Declare test classes. 
    public class OddTest : ITestOddEven
        private const int Even = 2;
        private const int Odd = 3;
        public int GetValue()
            return Odd; 


    public class EvenTest : ITestOddEven
        private const int Even = 2;
        private const int Odd = 3;

        public int GetValue()
            return Even;

    // Define test delegate. 
    public delegate int TestGetValue();

    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)

            Random Generate = new Random();

            string Characters =
                "$%#@!*abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +

            // Create generic int array. 
            MyGenericArray<int> IntArray = new MyGenericArray<int>(5);

            // Set values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)
                IntArray.SetItem(Index, Generate.Next(1, 9999999));

            // Get values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Create generic char array. 
            MyGenericArray<char> CharArray = new MyGenericArray<char>(5);

            // Set values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)
                CharArray.SetItem(Index, Characters[Generate.Next(0, Characters.Length - 1)]);

            // Get values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Create generic string array. 
            MyGenericArray<string> StringArray = new MyGenericArray<string>(5);

            // Set values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

                string Value = "";

                for (int StringIndex = 0; StringIndex < 10; StringIndex++)
                    Value += Characters[Generate.Next(0, Characters.Length - 1)];

                StringArray.SetItem(Index, Value);


            // Get values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Create generic double array. 
            MyGenericArray<double> DoubleArray = new MyGenericArray<double>(5);

            // Set values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)
                DoubleArray.SetItem(Index, Math.Round(Generate.NextDouble() *
                    Generate.Next(1, 1000), 2));

            // Get values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Create generic byte array. 
            MyGenericArray<byte[]> ByteArray = new MyGenericArray<byte[]>(5);

            // Set values. 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)
                byte[] ByteBuffer = new byte[10];
                ByteArray.SetItem(Index, ByteBuffer);

            // Get values. 
            Console.WriteLine("Getting byte array values:");
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Get values. 
            Console.WriteLine("Getting byte array values:");
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 5; Index++)

            // Byte test. 
            Byte Test = new Byte();
            Test = 0x99;
            Console.WriteLine("Byte test = {0}", Test.ToString());

            // Generic methods. 

            int A = 1, B = 2;
            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("A = {0}, B = {1}", A, B);
            // Swap. 
            GenericMethod<int>.Swap(ref A, ref B);
            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("A = {0}, B = {1}", A, B);

            char X = 'x', Y = 'y';
            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("X = {0}, Y = {1}", X, Y);

            GenericMethod<char>.Swap(ref X, ref Y);
            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("X = {0}, Y = {1}", X, Y);

            // Generate List string array. 
            List<string> MyStringList = new List<string>(4);
            // Populate. 
            for (int ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < 4; ItemIndex++)
                var Value = "";

                for (int Index = 0; Index < 3; Index++)
                    Value += Characters[Generate.Next(0, Characters.Length - 1)];

            // Before. 
            foreach (var ListItem in MyStringList.Cast<object>().Select((x, i) => new { Item = x, Index = i }))
                Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] = {1}", ListItem.Index, ListItem.Item);

            // Swap all items. 
            //foreach (var ListItem in MyStringList.Cast<object>().Select((x, i) => new { Item = x, Index = i })) ; 
            for (int Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++)

                // End reached, nothing to swap.    
                if (Index == MyStringList.Count() - 1)

                var Current = MyStringList[Index];
                var Next = MyStringList[Index + 1];

                GenericMethod<string>.Swap(ref Current, ref Next);

                MyStringList[Index] = Current;
                MyStringList[Index + 1] = Next;


            // After. 
            foreach (var ListItem in MyStringList.Cast<object>().Select((x, i) => new { Item = x, Index = i }))
                Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] = {1}", ListItem.Index, ListItem.Item);

            // Create test class instances. 
            MyClassTest TestClass1 = new MyClassTest(5);
            MyClassTest TestClass2 = new MyClassTest(10);

            // MyClassTest[] TestClasses = new MyClassTest[2];  
            //    new MyClassTest(), 
            //    new MyClassTest()
            //TestClasses[0] = TestClass1;
            //TestClasses[1] = TestClass2;


            // Before. 
                "TestClass1.GetPropertyValue() = {0}, TestClass2.GetPropertyValue() = {1} ",
                TestClass1.GetPropertyValue(), TestClass2.GetPropertyValue());

            // Swap. 
            GenericMethod<MyClassTest>.Swap(ref TestClass1, ref TestClass2);

            // After. 
                "TestClass1.GetPropertyValue() = {0}, TestClass2.GetPropertyValue() = {1} ",
                TestClass1.GetPropertyValue(), TestClass2.GetPropertyValue());

            // Create test classes with multiple interfaces. 
            MultiInterface MultiInterfaceTest1 = new MultiInterface();
            MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty = 1;
            MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother = 2;

            MultiInterface MultiInterfaceTest2 = new MultiInterface();
            MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty = 3;
            MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother = 4;

            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother);

            // Swap interfaces. 
            GenericMethod<MultiInterface>.Swap(ref MultiInterfaceTest1, ref MultiInterfaceTest2);

            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother);

            // Swap values in individual interfaces. 
            Console.WriteLine("Swapping values in individual interfaces ... ");
            int BaseValue = MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty;
            int AnotherValue = MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother;
            GenericMethod<int>.Swap(ref BaseValue, ref AnotherValue);
            MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty = BaseValue;
            MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother = AnotherValue;

            BaseValue = MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty;
            AnotherValue = MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother;
            GenericMethod<int>.Swap(ref BaseValue, ref AnotherValue);
            MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty = BaseValue;
            MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother = AnotherValue;

            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest1.MyPropertyAnother);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyProperty);
            Console.WriteLine("MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother = {0}", MultiInterfaceTest2.MyPropertyAnother);

            // Create interface variables. 
            ITestOddEven TestOddEven1 = new OddTest();
            ITestOddEven TestOddEven2 = new EvenTest();

            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("TestOddEven1.GetValue() = {0}", TestOddEven1.GetValue());
            Console.WriteLine("TestOddEven1.GetValue() = {0}", TestOddEven2.GetValue());

            // Swap out the GetValue methods by interface references. 
            GenericMethod<ITestOddEven>.Swap(ref TestOddEven1, ref TestOddEven2);

            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("TestOddEven1.GetValue() = {0}", TestOddEven1.GetValue());
            Console.WriteLine("TestOddEven1.GetValue() = {0}", TestOddEven2.GetValue());

            // Create delegates. 
            TestGetValue TestDelegateEven = TestOddEven1.GetValue;
            TestGetValue TestDelegateOdd = TestOddEven2.GetValue;

            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("TestDelegateEven = {0}", TestDelegateEven());
            Console.WriteLine("TestDelegateOdd = {0}", TestDelegateOdd());

            // Swap around method references using delegates. 
            GenericMethod<TestGetValue>.Swap(ref TestDelegateEven, ref TestDelegateOdd);

            // After. 
            Console.WriteLine("TestDelegateEven = {0}", TestDelegateEven());
            Console.WriteLine("TestDelegateOdd = {0}", TestDelegateOdd());

            // Create delegates to test method parameters. 
            NumberFunction<int> FunctionTestAdd = new NumberFunction<int>(Add);
            NumberFunction<int> FunctionTestMultiply = new NumberFunction<int>(Multiply);

            // Before. 
            Console.WriteLine("FunctionTestAdd(2) = {0}", FunctionTestAdd(2));
            Console.WriteLine("FunctionTestMultiply(4) = {0}", FunctionTestMultiply(4));

            // Swap delegate references to methods. 
            GenericMethod<NumberFunction<int>>.Swap(ref FunctionTestAdd, ref FunctionTestMultiply);
            Console.WriteLine("Swapping delegate method references ...");
            Console.WriteLine("FunctionTestAdd(3) = {0}", FunctionTestAdd(3));
            Console.WriteLine("FunctionTestMultiply(1) = {0}", FunctionTestMultiply(1)); 



        // Define test generic delegate. 
        public delegate T NumberFunction<T>(T Value);

        // Define test methods for the delegate.  
        private static int Total = 0;

        public static int Add(int Number)
            return Total += Number;

        public static int Multiply(int Number)
            return Total *= Number;



How to use C# Delegates?

Writing this mostly for when I need a quick snippet, but in case someone finds this useful.

The C# delegate beast is an object which holds references to methods (think “object-like method” that can be strong typed and therefore checked, unlike C++ function pointers), so this makes them super useful to pass as method parameters or to run a bunch of methods in event callbacks. This particular example uses Reactive Extensions so you will need to install them with Nuget.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Reactive;
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;

namespace DelegateTest

    // Delegate definition. 
    public delegate void ProcessDelegate();

    public class Processor {

        // Reactive observable. 
        public Subject<Task> Observable = new Subject<Task>();

        // Task to process. 
        public void Process(Task Process) {

        // Delegate instance. 
        public ProcessDelegate ProcessInstance;

        // Constructor. 
        public Processor(IEnumerable<ProcessDelegate> Processes, ProcessDelegate ProcessCompleted)
            // Initialise delegate instance. 

            // Add process methods. 
            foreach (var Process in Processes)
                ProcessInstance += Process;
            // Add process completed method. 
            ProcessInstance += ProcessCompleted; 


    public class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Starting process test ...");

            // Create test process object. 
            Processor Test = new Processor(

                // Delegate implementations. 
                new List<ProcessDelegate>
                    () => {
                        string Result = "";
                        for(int Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
                            Result += Index.ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine("Process 1 finished = " + Result.Substring(0, 10) + " ... ");
                    () => {
                        string Result = "";
                        for(int Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
                            Result += Index.ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine("Process 2 finished = " + Result.Substring(0, 10) + " ... ");
                    () => {
                        string Result = "";
                        for(int Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
                            Result += Index.ToString();
                        Console.WriteLine("Process 3 finished = " + Result.Substring(0, 10) + " ... ");

                () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Processes completed ... ");


            // Assign processes/delegate to an observable task. 
                Value => Test.Process( Value ), 
                () =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Observable OnCompleted called ... ");

            // Run action on the observable. 
            // Assigning delegate implementations. 
                new Task(new Action(Test.ProcessInstance))); 

            Console.WriteLine("Carrying on with some other tasks ..."); 





Handy links: